Knowledge and understanding of the entire production chain and value of organic production, including responsible consumption is essential for Agroambientalistas. Organic agriculture is one of about 15 schools or alternative currents in the world with more than 100 years of existence and that´s why it should be able to merge or rotate with other non-conventional systems, including of course the agroecology and local traditional knowledge.

Relevant training programs are dictated in production units where the projects will be carried out or in absence thereof by those demonstration farms, certified or not, being theoretical – practice with a percentage of 60% of field workshops and the assistance for owners, labor, administrative personnel, neighbors and others.

The curriculum content is geared to supply elements of analysis, methods, alternative technologies and commercial information of interest to the producer, transformer, marketer and the consumer.

Areas of interest

Organic agriculture and Agroecology.

• Ecological and sustainable Livestock.

• Certification and alternative seals.

• Agroecological and organic markets.

• Organic Gastronomy.

• Organic urban and peri-urban agriculture.